Image source: http://www.articlecity.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Logo-Maker.jpg
Studies have shown that children are more apt to recognize Ronald McDonald than famous figures such as Jesus!
The power of a logo is immeasurable.
We can see an advertisement and instantly know the brand simply by looking at their logo. And sometimes a logo is so well-known our brains even see certain colors in an advertisement and we know the brand immediately.
Have you ever questioned whether or not a logo is necessary for the success of your brand? Having trouble figuring out where to even point your compass?
Were here to help you figure all of that out.
Read on to learn why a logo maker is a must-have for advertising.
Youll look professional
Trying to create your own logo in Microsoft Word just wont do.
Youll look like an amateur, and your customers will take notice. Thankfully, there are online tools you can use to ensure that your image looks completely professional and put together.
With your own professional logo, youll stand out among your competitors and look legitimate. Plus, your customers will take your brand as a serious contender among the other brands. Printed materials and websites with your logo will let potential customers know that youre reputable in your industry.
Creating your own logo with clip art and the like will scream to your potential customers that youre not at all serious about your business. Also, it may convey that youre not as established.
Are you wanting to make your brand look professional? You need to consult in an expert logo maker to really polish off your companys logo.
Youll be remembered
Remember how we said more kids can identify Ronald McDonald than most famous figures? That same theory also works with adults.
We are a very visual society. Dont you remember using flashcards with pictures to remember the alphabet? Putting an image to a name helps us remember things we may otherwise forget.
Thats why having an image as a face to your brand is so important. Using a logo maker to create that face, you can establish recognition to your customers and future customers.
People may not always remember your brands name. They may not even remember your slogan. But chances are they will always remember your image.
Your logo will showcase your brands values
Whats your companys core values and goals? Stamping your companys mission statement on every advertisement may work in some places, but a logo will work better.
Your logo should and will encompass all of your values.
Need some help thinking how you can incorporate your values within a simple logo? Think of the sports authority Adidas. Their well known three slash symbol means more than many people know.
The three slashes represent the figurative mountains that athletes need to climb in order to achieve greatness. Pretty neat, right?
Almost all the marks you see in advertisements mean far more than meets the eye.
When you think of your logo as more than just a logo, youll find it easier to come up with a way to showcase your values and goals.
Remember that your logo is your brands identity. So it should be something that truly reflects how youd like your company to be viewed by your customers.
Youll connect with your customers
Weve established that your customers will take notice when you add a logo. But using a professional logo maker to create your brands logo will also connect with your customers.
Connect on a personal level
You build a personal relationship with your customers when you incorporate a logo. Its like adding a face to a name. Youre making a first impression with everyone who views your brand and its products. So make sure that your brand is well dressed and put together.
When youre creating your face with a logo maker, ask yourself questions as if you were a customer. Some things to think about when creating a logo:
What emotions will this logo stir up?
Is this memorable? Does the brand stand out against other competitors?
Is this relevant to our companys products or services?
Think outside of the box
Did you know that things like fonts and colors can play into how youd like your brand to come across to customers? And believe it or not, they can influence how they feel.
Some ways that colors change how we feel when we see a brand:
Yellow The color yellow represents the sun and joy. Your customers will feel happy and excited when they see the color yellow within your logo.
Green This color is associated with the colors of nature. It makes customers feel calm and relaxed. They will also feel that your brand is trustworthy.
Purple Purple equates to royalty when people see it incorporated into a brand. This color will make your customers feel nostalgic or romantic.
Orange This color also represents happiness and sunshine. Want to add this color to your brands logo? This color will make your customers feel creative and enthusiastic!
Black This color gives a mysterious vibe. Use this color if you want your customers to identify with your formal side.
Make sure youre focusing on your brands demographic
When youre using a logo maker, you want to make sure that youre creating a logo that speaks to your demographic.
Creating a logo that resonates with your millennial target group may differ from a logo created for a brand targeted more towards baby boomers. So youd think of a more modern look for the millennials, and maybe a more vintage or classic look for the latter.
Your logo makes things official
Your professional logo created with a logo maker doesnt only affect your marketing plan. It also makes a difference on the legal front as well.
While you legally dont need a branded logo, its best to go ahead and legalize your brand officially. And creating a trademark or a logo is the best way to keep you and your brand safe.
Lets put it into perspective for you. Imagine that youve spent a ton of time (and money!) creating an awesome logo for your brand. Lets say that you start plastering this logo all over your website, products, and marketing materials.
And then you find out your logo is already being used by another company. And they have it registered with the federal government.
Youre looking at a potential lawsuit. And this can also happen if the roles are reversed. You want to make sure that youre not wasting precious time and money working and using a logo thats already being used.
And you also want to make sure your logo is protected so no one else can use your logo.
Seeing forfeit logos not only stinks, it makes your brand look cheap. Plus, having an official logo will make your company look reputable and established.
Go ahead and take the extra steps to get your brands logo completely official. All the effort will be worth it in the long run.
Logos are easy
You may be thinking, But creating one is really hard! It is, and it also isnt. Its true that logos can be difficult to come up with. But thats because theyre so important to the success of your brand.
However, logos are easy because you dont have to spend a ton of time and words to get your message across. A well thought out logo created with a logo maker will allow you to convey your message with just a simple image.
Theyre also easy because these logos are easy to place on things like pamphlets, receipts, products, and more. And the more you use them, the easier it will be for your customers to recognize your brand instantly.
Use a logo maker to create your new logo
Did you know that Twitters iconic blue bird logo only cost them $15? Some other companies have paid millions of dollars to get the best logo money can buy. But Twitter is just one of the many examples that prove you dont have to spend an arm and a leg.
While you may think that your new logo may cost you half your budget, youve never been more mistaken!
Once you have some idea of how youd like your logo to look, youre able to create your own for free. And while you could pay a professional the big bucks to create your brands face, why would you?
Our free online logo maker is designed to help you create something awesome. You can upload your own images or look through hundreds of our specially customized photos. There are plenty of graphics that will suit your business identity.
Easily add or remove text and switch up the colors however you see fit. Want to make changes later? You can. The easy to use interface allows you to make changes without having to know a ton about graphic design.
You may find yourself thinking, Wow, creating my own logo isnt as tough as I thought! Its really that easy.
If you need any support or have a question for us, were here to help you!
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